Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Tis been awhile since I put pen to paper. Alot has happened lately!

Kyla was born August 20th in Pennsylvania. I had earlier planned to keep vigil while Wiggy was in labour, pushing in synch with her in my mind as she struggled to bring Kyla in to the world...Push! Push! I took short breaths as I forced my mind to concentrate on the arduous task at hand. Itz actually tough to give birth in ur mind. Unfortunately I slept off right in the middle of my virtual labor. Don't blame me, blame my hectic day @ work. I did give it my best shot though, eventually I realized that if men were entrusted with the responsibility of child-bearing, humanity would be extinct by now. Alternatively, we would have come up with a code or some machine to deliver the child whilst we are sedated. I still have not recovered from seeing one of the Kardashian sisters pull her own child right outta her vaginator on national TV...

Kyla is the most beautiful thing ever! Watching her as she lay swaddled in pink blankets, at peace in the world of infant dreamland, I felt a rush of love like never before. I glanced at Wiggy and observed the subtle transformation from a woman to motherhood. I was transformed too! I'll let you in on the new changes later.

Babysitting is one of the hardest tasks in life! Good Lawd! I have always had a huge respect for mothers, but now I am in awe of them. Their sacrifice, dedication and love is unbelievable. If you have not done so lately, take some time out to tell your mum that you love her and shower her with gifts! I don't want to wax lyrical but there is no love like a father's/mother's love.

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